Fungsi Bloomberg

Agar lebih produktif, lebih cepat, dan lebih efisien saat melakukan analisis atau riset keuangan, penting untuk mahir menggunakan Terminal Bloomberg. Itu berarti mengetahui fungsi Bloomberg yang paling penting.

Apakah Anda bekerja di bank investasi Jalur Karier Perbankan Investasi Panduan karier perbankan investasi - rencanakan jalur karier IB Anda. Pelajari tentang gaji bank investasi, cara mendapatkan pekerjaan, dan apa yang harus dilakukan setelah berkarir di IB. Divisi perbankan investasi (IBD) membantu pemerintah, perusahaan, dan institusi meningkatkan modal dan menyelesaikan merger dan akuisisi (M&A). , Riset Ekuitas Analis Riset Ekuitas Seorang analis riset ekuitas menyediakan liputan riset perusahaan publik dan mendistribusikan riset itu kepada klien. Kami mencakup gaji analis, deskripsi pekerjaan, titik masuk industri, dan kemungkinan jalur karier. , atau area pasar modal lainnya, Anda harus mempelajari cara menggunakan Terminal Bloomberg untuk mendapatkan informasi keuangan historis tentang perusahaan, harga saham, transaksi, informasi obligasi / pendapatan tetap, dan banyak lagi.

Di sini kami telah menyusun daftar apa yang kami yakini sebagai fungsi, penekanan tombol, dan pintasan yang paling umum dan penting untuk diketahui di Terminal Bloomberg, luar dalam. Penguasaan fungsi Bloomberg adalah kunci untuk menjadi seorang analis keuangan yang hebat. The Analyst Trifecta® Guide Panduan utama tentang bagaimana menjadi seorang analis keuangan kelas dunia. Apakah Anda ingin menjadi analis keuangan kelas dunia? Apakah Anda ingin mengikuti praktik terbaik industri terkemuka dan menonjol dari yang lain? Proses kami, yang disebut The Analyst Trifecta® terdiri dari analitik, presentasi & soft skill.

Daftar fungsi Bloomberg


Fungsi berita teratas meliputi:

Jalan pintasDeskripsiKegunaan
NBeritaMenu Berita Utama
PUNCAKKisah Berita TeratasTampilan terfilter dari fungsi Berita, menampilkan berita utama dari berita utama hari ini dari BLOOMBERG NEWS
TOPCABerita Teratas KanadaTampilan terfilter dari fungsi Berita, menampilkan berita utama dari berita utama hari ini dari BLOOMBERG NEWS untuk Kanada

NSEPencarian Item BeritaPencarian berita kustom
NSE CNSPasar Saham KanadaPenelusuran berita ubahsuaian yang difilter dibatasi ke Kanada
NSE USSPasar Saham ASPenelusuran berita ubahsuaian yang difilter dan dibatasi untuk AS
NSE MNAMerger / AkuisisiPenelusuran berita ubahsuaian yang difilter terbatas pada Merger dan Akuisisi
NSE OPNPembukaan Komentar PasarPenelusuran berita ubahsuaian yang difilter dibatasi ke Komentar Pembukaan
NSE US COSBerita PerusahaanPenelusuran berita ubahsuaian yang difilter yang dibatasi untuk Berita AS dan Perusahaan
NSE BBEAPenghasilan Naik & Turun

Penelusuran berita ubahsuaian yang difilter terbatas pada Penghasilan dan Penurunan

Layar Pasar Luas

Fungsi penyaringan pasar luas teratas meliputi:

Original text

Jalan pintasDeskripsiKegunaan
WEIIndeks Ekuitas Dunia  

Memungkinkan Anda memantau dan membandingkan harga real-time dan data volume untuk indeks ekuitas dunia.

WPEP / E DuniaMemungkinkan Anda memantau dan menganalisis rasio fundamental utama, seperti harga / pendapatan, di seluruh indeks ekuitas utama dan membandingkan rasio tingkat indeks harian dengan estimasi analis dan wilayah lain.

ECO CARilis Ekonomi Kanada (& AS)

Kalender ekonomi real-time dan rilis ekonomi yang akan datang, data komoditas, pemerintah, bank sentral dan industri, dan acara.

Statistik Ekonomi menurut Negara

Menyediakan data ekonomi dengan organisasi dan konteks dan memungkinkan untuk menganalisis beberapa set data menggunakan format grafik dan tabel.


Penggerak Indeks & Grup Industri

Menunjukkan saham yang mendorong pergerakan indeks yang dipilih atau kelompok ekuitas lainnya.


Database Merger / Akuisisi

Memungkinkan pelacakan dan analisis data merger dan akuisisi dalam waktu nyata dan dengan mudah memfilter transaksi menurut berbagai dimensi, seperti jenis, ukuran, dan penasihat transaksi. Juga memungkinkan menemukan data tingkat kesepakatan. Selain itu, memungkinkan pencarian transaksi yang sebanding.


Monitor Nilai Lintas Mata Uang

Memberikan gambaran umum nilai tukar mata uang secara real time, juga memberikan informasi tentang jam harga untuk pemantauan yang lebih baik.


Matriks Nilai Mata Uang

Memungkinkan pemantauan spot lintas mata uang, forward, dan fixing rate.


Pantau Revisi Peringkat

Menampilkan daftar peringkat kredit saat ini dan historis hingga 10.000 penerbit, memungkinkan untuk melacak peningkatan, penurunan, dan gerakan lain yang mencerminkan kekuatan fiskal dan tingkat risiko penerbit.


Suku Bunga & Pasar Obligasi

Menampilkan semua kurs utama, sekuritas, dan rilis ekonomi untuk negara tertentu.


Halaman Treasury I Swaps Monitor

Memberikan nilai tukar suku bunga saat ini, bersama dengan tingkat pemerintah, agensi, indeks, LIBOR, dan pasar berjangka, ditambah statistik ekonomi.


Perdagangan Pendapatan Tetap

Platform perdagangan elektronik pendapatan tetap untuk tarif AS dan serangkaian luas utang negara global.


Pasar Obligasi Dunia

Pantau dan bagan imbal hasil, spread, dan kinerja historis obligasi negara pada satu layar, bersama dengan imbal hasil, spread, dan deviasi statistik suku bunga saat ini dari rata-rata.


Kalender Pasar

Menunjukkan kapan pasar buka / tutup dan saat beroperasi pada jadwal sebagian hari.


Tarif Pasar Uang / LIBOR

Menampilkan menu pemantau kurs pasar uang global waktu nyata untuk perbandingan terhadap harga komposit, harga pihak ketiga, dan harga perdagangan elektronik.


Corp / Pemerintah / Konversi Pencarian Obligasi

Buat daftar pinjaman yang disesuaikan, obligasi pemerintah dan perusahaan, catatan terstruktur, obligasi kota, dan sekuritas pilihan dari database Bloomberg.


Semua Kurva Hasil - Treas / Muni / Corp

Memungkinkan untuk mencari kurva, memfilter menurut kelas aset, dan negara / kawasan dan / atau sektor.


Persembahan Muni

Pantau penawaran pasar obligasi pemerintah kota AS, tawaran yang diinginkan, dan transaksi yang dilaporkan di satu tempat.

Kinerja Pasar / Alat Penyaringan

Jalan pintas kinerja pasar meliputi:

Jalan pintasDeskripsiKegunaan

Kecerdasan Bloomberg

Sub-platform yang menyediakan penelitian tentang industri, perusahaan, dan topik ahli, memberikan data utama dan pembuatan bagan interaktif.


Efek Teraktif

Menampilkan metrik kinerja aktivitas perdagangan yang berbeda dari keamanan tertentu, seperti Volume, Chg Up, Chg Down, Nilai, Delta AVAT, 52Wk Highs dan 52Wk Low.


Pengembalian Peringkat Reksa Dana

Allows comparing the returns and monitor the performance of a list of funds over a given period, and filtering by country, fund type, sector, and fund family name.


IPO Calendar

Allows monitoring equity offerings by stage, region, industry, and other criteria.


Default Settings:  Graphs, News, Messages

Allows configuring service default settings all in one screen, including country/region, primary and secondary exchanges, news sources, and other defaults.

Company Screens

Bloomberg company screens include:


Corporate Description

Consolidated financial information for a specific financial instrument, such as a bond, loan, swap, index, futures contract, stock, warrant, option, fund, money market program, currency, or preferred security.


Executives & Board Directors

Displays company management information about top-ranking executives and board members for a selected security.


Company News

Filtered view of the News (N) function for a loaded security.


Financial Overview

Displays the issuer description in the Security Description (DES) function for bonds.


Related Securities

Provides a comprehensive overview of a security's issuer, including company description and fundamentals, debt obligations, equities, and related financial instruments.

Fundamentals & Earnings

Fundamental and earnings research functions on Bloomberg are:


Company Fundamentals

Provides comprehensive financial information for a company, including historical fundamental data and future estimates, as well as aggregated fundamental data for global equity indices.


Dividends, Stock splits

Displays the history of a company's distributions. History includes cash dividends and other distributions, such as stock splits.


Earnings Summary

Allows for comparison of historical announcements for the stock against consensus estimates.


Earnings Estimates

Provides a snapshot of aggregated broker earnings projections, surprise earnings data, and a summary of earnings history.


P/E Graph - Valuation

Filtered view of the Graph Fundamentals function (GF), allowing for visual comparison of a company's fundamentals with those of other companies, indices, commodities, and economic data.


Estimates  Matrix

Provides comprehensive earnings trend analysis for a selected equity, including an annual and quarterly breakdown of actual and estimated earnings trends.


Analyst Recommendations

Shows analysts recommendations for a selected equity and allows for monitoring of changes in opinion and analyzing the quality of analyst predictions.


Institutional & Insider Holders

Menu that allows searching for holders whose trading activity may influence the price of a selected security.

Credit Ratings

Allows for analysis of credit worthiness of a debt issuer or specific fixed income security by displaying both current and historical credit ratings from different ratings agencies in one screen.


Corporate Action Calendar

Displays a calendar of corporate and municipal actions for a single security, including events such as stock buybacks, capital changes, and distributions.


Corp Filings – SEDAR/EDGARProvides access to publicly available filings for research purposes.

Today’s Markets

Recent events:


Intraday Price Graph – up to 240 days

Visual time series analysis tool used to evaluate a security's intraday price trends for a period of up to 240 days.


Time/Sales  (Quote Recap)

QR displays a quote-by-quote and trade-by-trade history for a selected equity.


Customizable  Company  Overview

Povides detailed quotes, valuation and earnings ratios, peer activity, consensus forecasts, past performance trends, and related news headlines for an equity, equity option, or fund.


Broker Activity Summary

Provides broker activity summaries for exchanges, preferreds, equities, commodities, futures, warrants, REITs, funds, ETFs, and bonds.


Average Quote Recap

Displays the Top Trades in the Price and Volume Dashboard (VWAP) function.


Volume At Price

Displays the Volume at Price tab in the Price and Volume Dashboard (VWAP) function.


Trade Summary Matrix

Displays the Trade Summary Matrix tab in the Price and Volume Dashboard (VWAP) function.


Customizable Option Monitor

Provides real-time pricing, market data, and derived data for exchange-traded call and put options for a selected underlying security in a customizable screen.

Comparative & Historical Analysis

Powerful Bloomberg screens for fundamental research:


Competitor  Relative Value

Allows performing relative valuation analysis on a security against comparable companies or examining the relative richness/cheapness of a bond.


Comparative Total Return

Allows comparing of returns of a selected security for up to five other selected securities, including its benchmark index and industry group (if available).


Total  Return  for 1 Security

Allows for calculation of the total return for a security over a specified period of time, using criteria such as price at horizon, commissions, and reinvestment rate.


Historical Graphs/Table

GP and its related charts (GPC, GPO, GPF, GPL) and study functions (RSI, MACD, BOLL) are visual time series analysis tools used to put financial data into context.


Bar Chart

Displays the open/high/low/close chart view of the Price Chart (GP) function.


Historical Price Table

Displays a security's price, yield, and/or volume plus the close, open, high, and low prices. The historical price table shows pricing and volume data for a security over a specified period of time.


Short Interest

Allows reviewing short interest information for equity securities that trade on certain exchanges.


Custom Technical Charts

Allows you to create and organize all of your custom charts.

Index Analysis

For analyzing an index or indices:


Total Return

Displays the simple, annualized, and semi-annualized price appreciation of an index for 20 different time periods.


Index Movers

Allows analysis of the stocks that drive the movement of a selected index or other equity group.


Member Returns

Ranks the members of an equity index, basket, or portfolio by price appreciation or total return.


Member Weights

Displays the members of an index and its current weightings, along with shares and price performance.

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Bloomberg in financial analysis

In addition to using Bloomberg functions on the Terminal, analysts also have to be good at integrating Bloomberg into Excel.

Analysts will often build custom formulas that pull data directly from the Terminal to their desktop where it can be integrated into financial analysis, financial modeling What is Financial Modeling Financial modeling is performed in Excel to forecast a company's financial performance. Overview of what is financial modeling, how & why to build a model. , and valuation work.

Below is a screenshot of the Bloomberg Terminal Bloomberg Terminal The Bloomberg Terminal (aka Bloomberg Professional Services) connects finance professionals to a dynamic network of information, people, and ideas. At the core of this network is the ability to deliver real-time data to finance professionals around the world. .

bloomberg terminal with bloomberg functionsSource: Wikipedia

Analysts are expected to be efficient at using the Terminal and need to be able to quickly pull information.

The most common professions to use this data provider are investment banking What do Investment Bankers do? What do Investment Bankers do? Investment bankers can work 100 hours a week performing research, financial modeling & building presentations. Although it features some of the most coveted and financially rewarding positions in the banking industry, investment banking is also one of the most challenging and difficult career paths, Guide to IB , equity research Equity Research Overview Equity research professionals are responsible for producing analysis, recommendations, and reports on investment opportunities that investment banks, institutions, or their clients may be interested in. The Equity Research Division is a group of analysts and associates. This equity research overview guide , and sales & trading Sales and Trading Career Profile The sales & trading division (S&T) of an investment bank helps mutual funds, hedge funds, pension funds, etc. facilitate equities transactions (buy/sell). A career in sales & trading can be extremely strenuous with a very fast paced environment. The competition for positions is intense, compensation can be very high, .

Additional resources

Beyond this list of Bloomberg functions, there are many more tools at your disposal at Finance to become a world-class financial analyst. Finance is the official global provider of the Financial Modeling and Valuation Analyst designation FMVA® Certification Join 350,600+ students who work for companies like Amazon, J.P. Morgan, and Ferrari .

A good analyst will use Bloomberg in a variety of ways including:

  • Comparable company analysis Comparable Company Analysis How to perform Comparable Company Analysis. This guide shows you step-by-step how to build comparable company analysis ("Comps"), includes a free template and many examples. Comps is a relative valuation methodology that looks at ratios of similar public companies and uses them to derive the value of another business
  • Precedent transactions Precedent Transaction Analysis Precedent transaction analysis is a method of company valuation where past M&A transactions are used to value a comparable business today. Commonly referred to as “precedents”, this method of valuation is used to value an entire business as part of a merger/acquisition commonly prepared by analysts
  • DCF financial modeling DCF Model Training Free Guide A DCF model is a specific type of financial model used to value a business. The model is simply a forecast of a company’s unlevered free cash flow
  • IBES estimates IBES Estimates IBES (also known as I/B/E/S) stands for Institutional Broker’s Estimate System, a database that was created by the Lynch, Jones, and Ryan brokerage. This system basically compiles the analysis and forecasted future earnings of publicly traded companies. With the help of this database, users can see the different predictions, along with the forecasts of analysts.


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